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Heartburn by Nora Ephron

BOOK 28 OF 2021


Because work has been so busy for me lately, I intentionally choose books I think I can read over a weekend. I decided to pick up Heartburn from my never ending pile of library books to read over the last weekend of February.

Seven months into her pregnancy, Rachel discovers her husband is having an affair. In between "trying to win him back and loudly wishing him dead," Rachel shares pieces of her true love with the reader: cooking. Excerpts from group therapy, trying to catch her husband in the act, getting advice from her and her husband's married friends make this book have some pretty funny moments.

But overall for me, this book was... okay. Quirky, funny, and easy to fit in over a weekend. Even though this one wasn't too much to write home about for me, I do want to read more of Ephron's work. How could I not!? She is the brains behind You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally... even though I didn't love this one, it doesn't deter me from wanting to read more of her work.

If you've read a Nora Ephron book before, let me know!

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